Howdy, well I came up with the idea to run a half marathon this morning and lets say it did not go as planned. I ventured out around 9:45 and to my amazement it was fairly warm. It was in the 50s a few hours before and I did not take into account that there would be sunshine. I met some friendly people along the way, heck one guy gave me a high five, classic, which I GREATLY appreciated. About 7 miles in I psyched myself out of running. I figured hey why not walk for three miles. Another runner passed me twice and gave me a few words of encouragement. There was someone who blew their horn at me and I thought that they were being rude but they did it to another runner, more encouragement. At the 10 mile mark I figured I may as well start running again. That is when the area behind my left knee started bothering me My big toe's metatarsal on my right foot was bothering me again to my surprise because on Thursday it did not make a peep. I will go back to running in New Balance shoes and use the Reebok's for indoors. Starting next week Lord willing I will hopefully return to running 3 days a week again. I will start out running 3 miles, 4, et al and work my way up to 13.1. It is WAY to easy to quit and considering I have already paid to run in the Gasparilla 1/2 marathon I will not back away now. God bless and excuse me while I put up my Ben Gay rubbed legs , LOL. I ran a distance of 13.17 miles in 02:46:19, pace of 12:37 min/mi, speed of 4.75 mi/h.