Monday, January 31, 2011

He read my mind!

My pastor delivered an excellent teaching yesterday about grasshoppers. As I prepare to run the 15k in Gasparilla I see long distances as some what of a giant in the way. Running 18.3k this past Saturday I proved to myself that it was just a grasshopper that I to crush. Yes it was painful and I didn't run the best time but I was able to finish. My pastor gave us a Bible verse that I thought I would share.

Isaiah 46:10 (New King James Version)

10 Declaring the end from the beginning,

His illustration showed us that as we line up at the starting line the Lord shows us crossing the finish line. He tells us that we can make it but He never said that our way will be without obstacles. This is similar to the children of Israel as they were getting ready to enter the promised land. The Lord told them that it was theirs for the taking but they were fearful because of the giants in the land.

Numbers 13 (New King James Version)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Howdy folks, well I made an interesting discovery this past week. I found out that I was running less than a 15k; it was more like 12k. Well today I decided to redeem my self by not only running 15k but like a crazy man I ran 18.3k. I can truly say that I am ready (almost :) ) for Gasparilla. My time was 2 hours and 16 minutes.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Well I ran a little more (1/4 mile) than 15k and it feels great. I was dogging it (1 1/2 hours) :)
P90X is a great asset to my training. Thank God!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

pulled the trigger

Well I signed up for the Gasparilla 15K run (finally). Lord willing there will be great weather.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

new year, new you

Howdy, well I haven't run since my last posting :( instead I have started P90X on January 3. I haven't given up on my goal but I believe that P90X will be able to help me be a better runner. I was having slight knee pain but Lord willing on Saturday when I run again it will be gone; God bless.